Field Trip to KSG Kraftwerks-Simulator-Gesellschaft mbH
On December 10th, a group of students was able to visit the Gesellschaft für Simulatorschulung (GfS) in Essen Kupferdreh as part of the Nuclear Power Plant Technology lecture. Besides a glass model and a sectional model of a German pressurized water reactor, two control rooms, which are identical replicas of the originals, could be looked at. In the replicated control rooms of the boiling water reactor Gundremmingen as well as the pressurized water reactor Brokdorf incidents were simulated and impressively showed the processes and arriving signals inside the control room.
PSS warmly thanks Mr. Dietmar Dusmann (GfS) that we were, despite corona-related circumstances and with high hygiene standards, able to make these impressive experiences!
Lecture announcement nuclear power plant technology
The lecture Nuclear Power Plant Technology always takes place on Fridays from 10.15 - 14.00 IA 02/473 .
Lecture start is 15.10.
You are welcome to already enroll in the Moodle course "Nuclear Power Plant Engineering (137130-WiSe21/22)".
You will receive more information during the first week of lectures.
Conduct of examinations (CoronaSchVO)
With regard to the conduct of closed-door examinations, we would like to draw your attention to the regulations of the new Corona Protection Ordinance. In particular, please note:
For all exams (or pre-courses) that take place from Monday 23.08.2021, students must prove their GGG status (vaccinated, recovered or tested) before entering the exam/event room, otherwise they will not be allowed to participate in the exam!
A self-test is no longer sufficient.
Please keep this in mind as you continue to plan, and if necessary, schedule a testing appointment so that you have a valid test certificate to show on the exam date. Otherwise, have proof of an illness you have overcome (proof of recovery) or of your complete vaccination protection (vaccination certificate / valid vaccination certificate) ready.
Save the Date!
„Young Scientists Workshop“
during the Nuclear Technology 2022
29 - 30 March 2022 in Leipzig
More information at: YSW
Lecture Announcement Reactor Theory
If you would like to listen to the lecture, please enroll
into the Moodle course
"Reactor Theory (136140-SoSe21)",
and register for the lecture by sending an email to
The lecture will be held via Zoom and will start on the
04/13/2021 at 10:00 am.
All further information, such as the Zoom meeting ID etc.
you will receive after your registration.