Scientific Works

The listed works are examples of tasks.
For further tasks, please contact Prof. Marco K. Koch or
the scientific staff of the working group directly.


  • B - Bachelor

  • M - Master

  • S - Student Research Project

  • P - Project Work

Open works

Nicole Richter
Juliane Neuhaus

Further development and comparison of two types of artificial neural networks for predicting the long-term cooling of particle debris


to the task!   (463.8 kB)

Nicole Richter
Juliane Neuhaus

Further development of an artificial neural network for predicting the long-term cooling of particle debris


to the task!   (472.2 kB)

Tobias Jankowski

Modeling of an experimental plant and variation calculations of the design layout

external M

to the task!   (259.4 kB)

Gregor Stahlberg

Simulation and analysis of the bundle test QUENCH-03 of the QUENCH test series with AC² - ATHLET-CD

B / M (S)

to the task!   (87.0 kB)

Gregor Stahlberg

Comparative analysis of modeling variations of the QUENCH test facility with AC² - ATHLET-CD

B / M (S)

to the task!   (85.0 kB)

Jonas Rehrmann

Analysis of primary bubble formation during gas injection into a liquid pool


to the task!   (89.4 kB)

Tobias Jankowski

Simulation of the light gas layer test TH-26 with OpenFOAM

B / P 

to the task!   (82.8 kB)

selected works in progress

Florian Krist

Analysis of the impacts of chemical reactions on fission product release from molten core material

B / M (S)

to the task!   (450.5 kB)

Completed works
Master Thesis
  • Florian Krist
    Analysis of the melt behavior in the lower plenum based on simulations of the experiments LIVE-L10 and -L11 with the system code ATHLET-CD
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Christian Bratfisch, Dr.-Ing. Florian Gremme
  • Gregor T. Stahlberg
    Analysis of the numerical mapping of the behavior of dissolved gases in the course of a pressure surge event with the thermohydraulics code ATHLET
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Christoph Bratfisch

  • David Sonntag
    Investigation of detailed phenomena during re-flooding of destroyed reactor cores with the CFD code OpenFOAM
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Florian Gremme, M.Sc. Jan Peschel

  • René Vennemann
    Experimental investigation of the retention of soluble particles in a water seal
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Tobias Jankowski

  • Christoph Menne
    Analysis of the reflooding of debris beds based on simulations of the DEBRIS test facility with the system analysis code COCOMO
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Jan Pesche
  • Jan-Hendrik Oelrichs
    Investigation and evaluation of the emission factors of natural gas along different process chains
    Supervisor at PSS: M.Sc. Florian Krist

  • Miriam Müer
    Analysis of the cooling capability of packed beds based on simulations of generic PWR plants with the accident analysis code ASTEC V2.1
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Jan Peschel, M. Sc. Gregor Stahlberg

  • Jonas Rehrmann
    Testing of a correlation for the laminar flame speed in a hydrogen-air-steam mixture with COCOSYS
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Johannes Hoffrichter

  • Christian Sälker
    Simulation and analysis of pressure surge phenomena with ANSYS Fluent
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Paul Fuchs
  • Yusuf Arslan
    Simulation and analysis of cavitation-driven pressure surge phenomena using the open source code OpenFOAM
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Paul Fuchs

  • Nicole Richter
    Further development of a generic plant data set for the simulation and analysis of the release and transport behavior of fission products
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Gregor Stahlberg, M. Sc. Florian Krist

  • Melina Begemann
    Calculation of temperature curves and grace periods assuming various loss-of-coolant accidents at the fuel pool of a pressurized water reactor
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Miriam Müer
  • Tobias Schwantzer
    Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of flood specific parameters with the system code AC² - COCOSYS and the code SUSA
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Eng. Maximilian Hoffmann
  • Egemen Yildiz
    Analysis of vapor bubble behavior in boiling liquids
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. René Vennemann
  • Juliane Neuhaus
    Analysis of the fission product release based on the simulation of the integral test Phébus FPT4
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Florian Krist, M. Sc. Jan Peschel
  • Hamza Nouidir
    Simulation and analysis of bubble boiling in helical heat exchangers with OpenFOAM
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Paul Fuchs
  • Francis Kinda Olinga
    Development of a process for drying radioactive salt solutions to create containers suitable for final disposal
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Miriam Müer
  • Jan Disman
    Analysis and simulation of appropriate QUENCH experiments with respect to advanced accident-tolerant materials using AC2
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Gregor Stahlberg
  • Thorben Schmücker
    Development of an approach for an artificial neural network to predict the long-term cooling of particle debris
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Nicole Richter, M. Sc. Juliane Neuhaus
Bachelor Thesis
  • David Emeis
    Simulation and analysis of pressure surge phenomena with OpenFOAM
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Paul Fuchs

  • Thomas Steiner
    Simulation and analysis of cavitation processes in pipelines during fast valve closures with OpenFOAM
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Paul Fuchs

  • Konrad Valentin Telaar
    CFD simulation of hydrogen combustion in a hydrogen-air atmosphere with OpenFOAM
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Johannes Hoffrichter
  • Hamza Nouidir
    Analysis and evaluation of heat transfer at tube surfaces of helical shell-and-tube heat exchangers
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Julia Krieger, M. Sc. David Sonntag

  • Peter Kruse
    Analysis of condensation phenomena and pressure oscillations due to note injections during a LOCA with the system code ATHLET
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Christoph Bratfisch
  • Nazim Dogan
    Simulation of the CCI-1 experiment of the OECD test series at different destruction temperatures and destruction enthalpies of the concrete with the system code AC² - COCOSYS
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Eng. Maximilian Hoffmann

  • Enno Müller
    Re-flooding with AC² (DWR)
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Gregor Stahlberg
  • Maximilian Mellis
    Testing and further development of a correlation for mapping particle retention in the SAAB test facility experiments
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Tobias Jankowski
  • Henning Königsstein
    Simulation of light gas layer dissolution by natural convection with OpenFOAM
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Tobias Jankowski, M. Sc. Paul Fuchs
  • Julian Franz
    Further development of a data set for the simulation of an integral pressurized water reactor with the system code AC²-ATHLET
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Julia Krieger
  • Christopher Knoff
    Creation of a vehicle concept for the underground transportation and disposal of final storage containers
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.- Ing. Tobias Jankowski, M. Sc. Johannes Hoffrichter (external work: GNS)
  • Grechanyi, Andrei
    Simulation and analysis of the bundle test AIT-1 of the CODEX test series with AC2-Athlet-CD
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Grgeor Stahlberg
Project Work
  • Leigh Randle
    Simulation of hydrogen combustion in a homogeneous gas atmosphere with the CFD code OpenFOAM
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Tobias Jankowski
  • Vanessa Kaub
    Simulation and analysis of meltdown behavior in the lower plenum of the Fukushima-Daiichi Unit 3 reactor using the accident analysis code ATHLET-CD
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Christoph Bratfisch
  • Roderick Tom, Mbolda Touko
    Evaluation of the influence of the enthalpy of destruction of concrete on erosion retention and gas release during a melt-concrete interaction
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Eng. Maximilian Hoffmann

  • Nazim Dogan
    Evaluation of factors influencing the effective heat transfer coefficient between concrete and melt during a melt-concrete interaction
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Eng. Maximilian Hoffmann

  • Nicole Richter
    Analysis and evaluation of the current state of the art on flow influences on the thermodynamic properties of helical shell and tube vaporizers
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Julia Krieger, M. Sc. David Sonntag

  • Peter Kruse
    Analysis of the reflooding of debris beds based on simulations of the DEBRIS test facility with the system analysis code ASTEC V2.1
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Jan Peschel

  • Simon Menke
    Simulation of the THAI experiment TH-29.1 with COCOSYS
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Tobias Jankowski
  • Kai Schmuckat
    Analysis of the numerical calculation of pressure surge phenomena with the CFD tool OpenFOAM and the system code ATHLET
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Christoph Bratfisch, M. Sc. Paul Fuchs
  • Sebastian Cords
    Analysis of accident-tolerant BE concepts using simulations of a bundle test of the QUENCH test series with the system code ATHLET-CD (AC²)
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Gregor Stahlberg

  • Julian Franz
    Creation of a generic ATHLET baseline dataset for simulating the indefinite post-decay heat removal of submerged SMR containment vessels
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Julia Krieger

  • Henning Königstein
    Investigation of flow structures within helical tubes under variation of specific dimensionless indices with OpenFOAM
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. David Sonntag
  • Sujenth Suhan
    Simulation of the reflooding of debris beds in the DEBRIS test facility with the system analysis code ASTEC V2.1
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Jan Peschel
  • Maximilian Mellis
    Modeling of particle retention for different aerosols in a large-scale test facility
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Tobias Jankowski, M. Sc. René Vennemann
  • Sara-Luise Maxara
    Numerical simulation and analysis of water hammer phenomena considering Consideration of fluid-structure interaction with OpenFOAM
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Paul Fuchs
  • Vikrant Patel
    Analysis and evaluation of the properties and behavior of accident-tolerant cladding tubes in power reactors
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Gregor Stahlberg
  • Ruth Laurelle Mafok Kamdoum
    Simulation of the QUENCH-07 bundle test with the system analysis code ASTEC V2.1
    Supervisor at PSS: Dr.-Ing. Jan Peschel
  • Tim Hammacher gen. Brüner
    Analysis of the effects of chemical reactions on the release of fission products from molten nuclear material
    Supervisor at PSS: M. Sc. Florian Krist


Due to a multitude of projects there is close contact to companies in energy technology and research institutions in the whole of Europe.
It is possible to mediate internships upon request.