We congratulate Florian on his great Doctorate!
The working group congratulates Florian Gremme on the successful completion of his doctorate on 20.12.2018 with the title:
"Analysis of the influence of plant-internal emergency measures on core coolability in case of design-basic accidents in pressurised water reactors."
Field Trip to the Simulator Centre of KSG I GfS
In the course of the lecture „Power Plant Technology“ the PSS went on a field trip on the 7th of December 2018 to the GfS Gesellschaft für Simulatorschulung mbH in Essen-Kupferdreh.
A group of 17, consisting of students of the lecture as well as employees of the WG PSS, was warmly welcomed by Mr. Dietmar Dusmann and introduced to the current as well as future work of the GfS during an interactive talk.
Afterwards Mr. Dietmar Dusmann showed the group around through the buildings of the KSG I GfS. Special highlights of the field trip were the simulator of the control room of the nuclear power plant Brokdorf (KBR), the sectional model of a German PWR-plant (shown in the photo) as well as the worldwide unique glass model, which is used by operating teams to consolidate their knowledge on the thermohydraulic conduct of a pressurized-water reactor by means of practical experiences. With the help of the simulator of the KBR‘s control room the group could experience reactor safety, the safety levels and the operating team’s actions in case of postulated accidents hands-on.
We would like to thank the GfS for enabling this extraordinarily interesting field trip.
PSS receives new computing nod for simulations
The working group Plant Simulation and Safety received a new computing nod for simulations in November. The new system, which contains a total of 48 cores and a total computing power of over 116 GHz, will primarily be used for complex CFD simulations in the future.
New project concerning water hammer phenomena granted
A new research project with the aim of the examination of water hammer phenomena with OpenFOAM and ATHLET within the framework of the support initiative KEK “Competence preservation in nuclear technology” was granted to the PSS for a duration of three years starting November 2018.
First week of lectures Power Plant Technology
The lecture Power Plant Technology already starts on the 12th October 2018 between 10.15 am and 13.30 pm in
room IC 03-112.
8th ASTEC Users’ Club Meeting (9th October-11th October)
Between the 9th and the 11th October 2018 the 8th ASTEC Users’ Club Meeting took place in Aix-en-Provence (France), organised by the French Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN). Within the scope of this international meeting current results concerning validation calculations and severe accident simulations, which have been performed with the integral system code ASTEC, are presented. Moreover, current and future developments within the code system are introduced. All in all, representatives of 17 different nations were present. The PSS was represented by Maximilian Hoffmann, Jan Peschel and Florian Gremme, who held two presentations.
Participation in Framatome Professional School
Between the 8th and the 12th October 2018 a one-week course of the Framatome Professional School (FPS) with the topic “Computational fluid dynamics with Open-Source software” (OpenFOAM) was held at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Due to the high relevance of CFD activities for the upcoming PSS project VAMOCAAD and the supervision of student works the members of staff Tobias Jankowski and Johannes Hoffrichter travelled to Karlsruhe and attended the course.
Participation in the international joint project IPRESCA
The PSS represented by Tobias Jankowski participated in the international joint project IPRESCA (Integration of Pool scrubbing Research to Enhance Source-term Calculations), which took place following the OECD/NEA THAI-3 project with representatives of all of the 15 participating nations (33 institutions) between the 3rd and the 4th October in Frankfurt. The SARNET/NUGENIA joint project addresses the topic of Pool scrubbing.
Participation in the fifth OECD/NEA THAI-3 Meeting
On the 1st and 2nd October 2018 the employees Johannes Hoffrichter and Tobias Jankowski took part in the fifth project meeting of the OECD/NEA THAI-3 project with representatives of all 16 participating nations in Frankfurt am Main. The international research project aims at the reduction of the existing uncertainties in the research on reactor safety through the expansion of the experimental data basis for the code validation and -development.
For this purpose, experiments on the topic of hydrogen recombinators, hydrogen deflagration in multi-room geometries and the re-entrainment of fission products are carried out by Becker Technologies GmbH in Eschborn near Frankfurt. Tobias Jankowski presented the results of the RUB concerning the project internal Code-Benchmark with a hydrogen deflagration test.
Participation in the Innovations-Campus Essen-Kupferdreh
On invitation and represented by Tobias Jankowski the PSS participated in the dialogue meeting “Bildung im Wandel. Und nun?” within the scope of the Innovations-Campus Essen-Kupferdreh on the 21st September 2018. As a joint project of the University of Fine Arts Essen, the Simulator Centre, the Verkehrsfliegerschule, the Steinbeis-Hochschule and the catholic hospitals Ruhrhalbinsel the Innovations-Campus Essen-Kupferdreh commits to the task of setting new impulses, integrating societal groups and promote the future-oriented development of the district Essen-Kupferdreh. Next to various presentations approaches regarding the topics of education and further education in the digital age were developed within the framework of workshops.
New computer room for student works in building IC
Since September there are three further workspaces with new computers available for the working group PSS, student assistants and student works.
Thereby students are given the opportunity to organize their working hours more flexible and manageable with regard to their lectures.
The room is located in IC 2-159.
The students are also available to contact via telephone 0234-32-26849.
The exams in the summer semester take place as follows:
26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26)
In the course of the 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering from the 22nd until the 26th July 2018 in London, United Kingdom, our working group presented current research on the topic of wet resuspension and discussed it with international experts.
Next to different research institutes from all over the world a variety of industrial companies, governmental institutions and NGOs took part in the conference.
The scientific contributions will be published as part of the Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering.
Student assistants needed
FAt the moment we are looking for a motivated student assistant (with or without B.Sc.) from the fields of engineering, computer science, natural sciences and technology in order to support our research.
Ideally, you are in the middle of your studies and available for a longer cooperation.
If you are interested, please send a short e-mail including a cover letter, your CV and transcript of records to:
Johannes Hoffrichter (Johannes.Hoffrichter@pss.rub.de)
Trip 2018 – PSS exchanges office chair for bucket seat
On this year’s trip our working group exchanged their familiar office chairs for bucket seats.
To win a podium position in our little Grand Prix, everyone stepped on the gas with screeching tires.
Without serious damage we tried to take down our adrenalin rush with the following bicycle tour to our barbecue area.
VGB Wind Energy Study
Within the course of the colloquium of energy technology on the 19th June 2018 the authors
Thomas Linnemann and Guido Vallana presented their wind energy study.
Due to the audience’s great interest we made the presentation’s handout available online.
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49th Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, 29.05. bis 30.05.2018, Estrel Convention Center Berlin
As in previous years our working group took part in the Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology (AMNT 2018) in Berlin. Together with Prof. Marco K. Koch, six research assistants and four student assistants, students from the lectures Power Plant Technology and Reactor Theory came to Berlin.
New findings of COSMO and EVA3A, research projects funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, were presented in three contributions in different sessions. Moreover, Tobias Jankowski and Vera Koppers held presentations on current findings of their promotional activities, supervised by Prof. Koch, within the scope of the Young-Scientists-workshop. Vera Koppers was awarded first place and prevailed against twelve other participants
The following presentations were given by the working group PSS at the Annual Meeting: