HPC (High Performance Computing)
In addition the many Windows and Linux workstations used for simple simulations as well as
pre- / postprocessing our newly equipped high performance computer supports highly parallized calculations.
Four nodes eqipped with 192 processor cores guarantee the computation of complex simulations within an adequate amount of time.
Simulation data of student projects as well as our own research is saved within the fully mirrored external storage of 120 TB capacity.
Student assistants needed
At the moment we are looking for a motivated student assistant (with or without B.Sc.) from the fields of engineering, computer science, natural sciences and technology in order to support our research.
Ideally, you are in the middle of your studies and available for a longer cooperation.
If you are interested, please send a short e-mail including a cover letter, your CV and transcript of records to:
Maximilian Hoffmann (maximilian.hoffmann@pss.rub.de)
Sino-German Symposium on Fundamentals of Advanced Nuclear Safety Technology
From 25 to 27 September 2019, PSS employees Christoph Bratfisch and Johannes Hoffrichter participated in the Sino-German Symposium on Fundamentals of Advanced Nuclear Safety Technology (SG-FANS) at the Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) in China. On the three days of the event, current research results were presented, new co-operations were initiated and the experimental facilities of XJTU were visited.
Christoph Bratfisch gave the participants an overview of the research work of PSS and chaired a session.
Johannes Hoffrichter presented the participants current results from the field of hydrogen combustion.
Let’s get the paddles !
This year, the working group PSS got on the water, even though the weather was not on our side this time.
In canoes we started from Bochum-Stiepel towards Hattingen. Superbly, two boat lanes were mastered, with lots of fun and lots of splash water.
After 3 hours, all boats arrived without capsizing at their destination in Bochum-Dahlhausen.
Afterwards we went back to the RUB to refresh, where barbecue and drinks were already waiting for the paddlers.
50th Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology (AMNT), 07.05 bis 08.05.2019, Estrel Convention Center Berlin
Also in 2019 the working group PSS with Marco K. Koch, Tobias Jankowski, Johannes Hoffrichter, Florian Gremme, Jan Peschel, Christoph Bratfisch, Florian Krist, Maximilian Hoffmann, Paul Fuchs, Vanessa Kaub and
David Sonntag took part in the 50th anniversary edition of the AMNT in Berlin.
In addition to presentations and papers in the proceedings on current results of our research, Florian Gremme presented results of his PhD in the framework of the Young Scientists Workshop. Furthermore, the working group was represented with a poster at the booth of the Kompetenzverbund Kerntechnik (KVKT).
Moreover, the working group is pleased to be able to congratulate Tobias Janowski on winning the Best Paper Award (read more).
The following presentations by the WG PSS were held at the Annual Meeting 2019:
Simulation of Multi-compartment Hydrogen Deflagration Test HD-36 with COCOYSY (Tobias Jankowski, Gewinner des Best-Paper-Award)
Challenges in Modelling and Validation of Wet Resuspension Phenomena (Tobias Jankowski)
Simulation of Light Gas and Condensing Steam INteraction Test TH-29.1 with COCOSYS (Johannes Hoffrichter)
Analysis of the melt behaviour in the lower plenum with simulations of LIVE-L10 and -L11 experiments using the severe accident analysis code AC 2 - ATHLET-CD (Florian Krist)
A Brief Comparison of the ATHLET-CD Lower Plenum Modules AIDA and LHEAD Regarding the Late Phase Simulation of 1F3 (Vanessa Kaub)
Analysis of the Impact of Severe Accident Management Measures on the Core Coolability During Beyond-Design-Basis Accidents in a generic Pressurized Water Reactor (Florian Gremme)
Next to the purely scientific contributions, Florian Gremme presented the
as spokesman of the executive committee of the KTG Young Generation.
The Institute of Energy Technology of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
at the Ruhr-University Bochum invite to the Energy Colloquium 2019:
The exams in the winter semester take place as follows:
Power Plant Technology
Thursday, 14th March 2019,1.15 pm to 2.45 pm in HIB
Reactor Theory
Friday, 8th March 2019 from 9 o' clock in the room GB 6/60
Excursions to the Nuclear Power Plant Emsland
As part of the lecture "Power Plant Technology", PSS conducted an excursion to the nuclear power plant Emsland (KKE) in Lingen in January 2019 on three dates with five students and one employee each. The groups were greeted warmly at the visitor center and prepared for the visit of the power plant by a presentation. During the tour, the participants of the excursion were able to experience the extremely high demands on safety and radiation protection. Special highlights were the inspection of the containment and the turbine hall.
We would like to thank RWE Nuclear GmbH and the dedicated power plant employees for repeatedly enabling these unique excursions.